服务 Services


会计服务 Accounting services

薄记账目, 财务软件, 财务报表
永信会计帮助您从繁杂的文件账单中解脱出来, 不论是薄记账目, 还是财务报表. 我们都可以为您解决. 同时我们也提供财务软件的教学使用.
Bookkeeping, financial software, financial statements
Yongxin Accounting helps you to get rid of complicated documents and bills, whether it is bookkeeping or financial statements. We can solve them for you. At the same time, we also provide financial software teaching.

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工资养老金 Salary and Superannuation

永只需要提供给我们员工信息, 工资标准. 我们将按照您的要求按双周、单月进行工资、养老金、以及预缴税的计算. 您只需要进行简单的银行转账即可.
Customers only need to provide our employees’ information and salary standard. Our accountants will calculate salary, superannuation fund and PAYG according to your requirement on fortnight and monthly basis. Customers only need to make a simple bank transfer.


企业构建 Enterprise construction

您是否在烦恼哪一种投资方式适合您的生意运作? 如何能获取收入税和生意利润的平衡? 我们的专业团队将为您提供专业建议并优化投资架构, 根据实际情况为您选出最适合的生意形式, 为企业日后运转提供最佳的保护和最优化的成本.
Business structure and business registration-GST, PAYG registration.
Are you wondering which type of investment is right for your business? How to balance income tax with business profits? Our accountants will provide you with professional advice and optimize the investment structure, choose the most suitable business form for you according to the actual situation, and provide the best protection and optimal cost for the future operation of the enterprise.


商业咨询 Business consulting

当您有丰富的现金流时, 或者当您的事业蒸蒸日上, 准备开始分散风险时, 我们的团队将为您分析投资计划的利弊. 为您的决策降低风险. 从长远和前瞻的角度帮您规划更加合理的投资组合.
When you have a lot of cash flow, or when your business is booming and you are ready to start diversifying your risk, our accountants will analyze the pros and cons of your investment plan, reduce the risk for your decision, and help you plan a more reasonable investment portfolio from a long-term and forward-looking perspective.

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税务申报 Tax Consulting

我们提供年度退税, 报税-包括个人,公司,信托,自管养老金等/商业运作表(BAS).并且为您的税务问题进行策划, 让您了解最新的税务变化和其中的影响, 最大限度地帮您合理地省税.
We offer annual tax rebates - including individuals, companies, trusts, self-administered pensions and business activities statement (BAS). Our accountants can also plan your tax issues, so that you can understand the latest tax changes and their impact and help you to save tax reasonably.

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集团服务 Group services:

根据您的实际情况, 通过公司、信托基金、 合伙制、 个体自雇, 私人养老金等不同形态的商业所组成的私人集团企业, 对您的收入和资产进行合理的规划和分配, 从而达到税务优化和财产保护的目的.
According to customers actual situation, through the company, trust fund, partnership, individual self-employment, private pension and other forms of business composed of private group enterprise, your income and assets reasonable planning and distribution, so as to achieve the purpose of tax optimization and property protection.

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商业移民 Business immigration

商业移民的客户财务账目管理也是永信会计的重点服务项目之一. 我们与众多注册移民代理有深度合作, 在移民要求和会计准则下, 为您提供最佳的财务记录.
Business immigration is also one of our key services. Our accountants provide customers financial account management to help immigration. We have in-depth cooperation with many registered immigration agents, under the immigration requirements and accounting standards, to provide customers with the best financial records.

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房屋贷款 Home Loans

First home buyers / Next home buyers — Property investment / Home buying advice / Refinancing / Interest rates / Compare home loans / Loan types / Pre-approval
无论您是首次置业者, 还是希望扩大投资组合, 我们都能为您提供适合您的方案。不论你是大量购买, 重新融资, 缩小规模, 投资或购买您的第一个家。屡获殊荣的抵押贷款经纪人为您找到最适合您的贷款計劃,絕對能节省时间、节省金钱、减轻压力, 获取免费的专业建议。
Whether you’re a first home buyer, or an experienced investor looking to expand your portfolio, we work around the clock to get you a deal that works for you. An award-winning Mortgage Broker find you the best home, car or personal loan for your needs. Save time, get advice and book your free no-obligation appointment with us. Making a big purchase, re-financing, down-sizing, investing or buying your first home. We also can find you a competitive loan.


商业贷款 Business lending

设备融资/商业地产/ 中小企业贷款
Equipment finance / Commercial property / Small business loans
No one is better placed to understand when you’re in business, having the right finance and risk planning is means building your business successfully. We have a wide choice of commercial finance lenders.


个人贷款 Personal Loans

抵押贷款 / 无抵押贷款 / 固定与可变贷款
Secured loans / Unsecured Loans / Fixed Vs Variable loans

获得个人贷款的理由Reasons For Personal Loans
合并债务Consolidate debt
还清信用卡Pay off credit cards
金融房屋改建Finance home remodeling
支付婚礼费用Pay for a wedding
搬家费钱Money for moving expenses
财务丧葬费Finance funeral expenses
支付医疗费Pay medical bills
购买汽车,轮船或房车Buy a car, boat or RV
梦想假期Take a dream vacation
大量购买Make a large purchase

个人贷款是通常5到7年的短期贷款,批准的周转时间很快,为您提供了更大的灵活性来随意使用资金。您可以随时得额外的现金来管理信用卡上的债务、支付婚礼费用或旅游等。A personal loan is a short-term loan of typically 5-7 years, the turn-around time for approval is fast, giving you greater flexibility to use the funds as you wish. Offering a useful solution for those special projects, such as pay off credit cards, home renovations, high-quality education.

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汽车贷款 Cars Loans

送货上门服务 / 预批 / 贷款再融资 / 汽车贷款 / 自雇人士的汽车贷款
Door-to-door car buying service / pre-approval / refinancing / Car loan / Car loans for the self-employed
A reputable broker with access to a generous panel of lenders, search for the best rate from a range of options and deliver your new car to your place. Also can save on your car loan or car costs may be tax-deductible.


贷款计算 Mortgage Calculator

比较来自20多家银行 (包括四大银行) 的数百款房屋贷款计划, 以便迅速缩小选择范围, 找最适合您的选择。并准备所有文书工作并在整个过程中提供支持, 减轻您的压力。计算你的借贷能力, 使之可以轻松偿还, 帮助您评估借款额度. 而且乐于解答所有繁复的问题。
Compare hundreds of home loans from over 20 lenders, including the big four banks, to quickly narrow down your choices to the ones that best suit you. Prepare all of the paperwork and support you through the entire process. Calculate how much you can borrow and comfortably afford to repay. For knowing what you can afford to spend. Have a wealth of knowledge to share.